Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

The life...or well my life...

I have school I don't have school and just relax.
But after a week I'm so bored.. T-T and I don't really have friends to go out with..(yeah I know,I'm kinda pitiful but we just don't really share some interests..) Right now I'm sitting on a bank in the city where I live. While walking through the city..K noticed that life or well definitely my life is boring. I didn't thought much,listening to music while I was walking.
Well I mean after holiday I have to go to school like always.
Going to school,sitting in school and try to learn something,going home, eat somehing,make homework, doing some activities like meeting friends or so and sleep. And that's our daily route! okay adults have to work instead of going to school.. But still isn't that boring..? and the reason why we go to school is to get a good job and then to earn alot of money!
Why can't we erase the whole money in our world and just live peaceful together? Okay that's another thing.. but still...I think my life is boring that's why I want to do alot of things if I'm an adult :)

well that's's getting kinda cold on this bank^^'

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