Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

..It hurts when someone like your classmate,colleague or friend makes fun of something you really like for example dancing,playing football or your favourite band.
Something like that happened to me. It just hurts your heart..well not your heart..but just your feel sad and want to show them the opposite. But when they start to laugh you just think "..Oh man..why can't you just enjoy it like me?" or something like that. Well, I just think "Oh man.." And sigh.

I'm sure they wouldn't like it,too if we would make fun of things they like...But it can't be helped...there are always existing people who are like that. You have to accept them.

All girls of my class and another one are going to dance. We made groups and I(I'm a girl just to let you know ^^) ended up with a group full of..girls who can't dance, are not articulated and don't have the motivation... We are dancing for carnival on my school. Now they are going to choose another song because they think the song right now (Sean Paul- so fine) is too fast and decided to use another song. Maybe Michael Jackson - Beat it... but I want to to dance So fine! That's why the teacher told me that I can do a ...solo..part.. O.O I was like "WHAT?!" But she told me that I was a good dancer... I believed her ^^ That's why..I want to show them that dancing or more hip hop dancing can be AWESOME!

If you are also in a situation like me,show them the opposite of it! Maybe they are going to like it,too! ;D
Well,give it a try! C:

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